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Competition rules 2021


Commitee List



Chairman - Simon Hammond 01288 354039 / 0789 169 1566


Vice Chair - Claire Eatock 07941 444923


Secretary - Jo Sidwell 07809098929


Treasurer - Paul Diffey 01288 361095


Youth Development Officer - Darcy Muncer  07778671887 / 01983 563944


Ladies Development Officer - Emma Fishleigh 07779274609


North East Co-ordinator - Dan Green 07584 279021


Website and Promotions - Austen Davies 07967595847


Waveski Officer Lucy Mcqueen Jones


Recreations Officer -Katy Hogarth



ESK Mission Statement

Mission Statement 

The Purpose of the ESKC is to interest itself in all matters relating to the sport of Surf Kayaking in England, with a particular focus on:-


Increasing and broadening participation in all forms of the sport both recreationally and competitively.


Development and education of paddlers.


Promotion of good surfing technique, etiquette and behaviour.


Provide and support opportunities and the means to increase skill levels at all levels of ability.


Addressing issues of inequality and barriers to this sport.


Co-ordination of competitive rules and regulations.


Support the needs of the national team.


The ESKC has responsibility within England for those areas outlined within its Purpose and Responsibilities and will work closely with the national associations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and the World Surf Kayak Committee, as agreed between the parties.

Photo Competition Ts&Cs

ESK Junior Photo Competition


Terms and Conditions


     This competition is aimed at promoting surf kayaking to young paddlers. As such we would like to see young people enjoying any aspect of surf kayaking, on the water or otherwise. We are not necessarily looking for amazing skills, but would really like to see juniors having loads of fun and give them the opportunity to see themselves on the same platform as some of the best-known paddlers in the sport. 


The competition will close on the 25th of each month. The best photo will be chosen by our panel and the winner will headline the following month’s contest, however, we will ask for your permission first. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered in to.

    On occasion, we may be able to get small prizes which will be handed out to winners shortly after contact has been made. Any prizes are non-transferable and there are no cash alternatives. Credit will be given to the parent/guardian/ person who took the picture (if over 18)


    By adding a photo of your child, you are consenting to it being on the page and you agree to the terms listed here. If you wish to have it removed, you can do this yourself by deleting the image. If you have any problems in doing this, please get in contact via the messages section of the page and we will remove it for you. 


Any photos entered in this competition will not be used for any other purpose without prior permission from parent/guardian first. Although this is a public page, we will not share any data with third parties without your prior, express consent.




     We ask that the names of any juniors featured in your photo are not included. With this in mind, please do not “tag” the picture, this is to safeguard them from any potential unwanted contact. 


     Please ensure that any child in your photo is wearing adequate clothing. We would suggest a minimum of shorts and T-shirt (Swimwear must be covered)


     Please do not attach pictures of any child in distress; this is meant to be a fun competition after all. 


     It is Your responsibility to ensure that you have the permission from any third party or the parent/guardian of anyone under the age of 18 in your photo, if we receive a complaint, we will immediately remove the picture.

Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

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